When you need personal finance advice and real estate advice, where best to turn but to Ilyce Glink and the ThinkGlink.com team On the ThinkGlink.com blog, we’ll give you advice on the ins and outs of real estate and personal finance matters. You can add to the conversation and give us your real estate horror stories or tell us about how you found that dream home. You can also learn about current financial issues and talk about current events that affect your finances. Whether you’re trying to improve your credit score to buy a new car or buy your first home, you can learn about some those events happening in Washington or locally that may affect you. You can also get information relating to Ilyce Glink’s weekly radio show on WSB Radio and see some of the tips she has given to listeners on air. Thanks and post a comment.
ID Thieves Carry Out Voter Registration Scams
As we get closer to the 2008 presidential election, a variety of organizations may be working to register more voters. But be careful because identi...
The Ilyce Glink Show On Facebook
We just started a Facebook group for fans of Ilyce's Sunday radio show. www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=22143868430 Join the Facebook group to di...
Many ‘Household CFOs’ Lack Emergency Funds
A recent survey found 68 percent of "household CFOs," those responsible for managing their families' budgets, don't have an emergency fund. Consumer ...
Foreclosures Increase By 55 Percent In A Year
RealtyTrac reports today that the number of foreclosures increased by 55 percent in July, as compared to one year earlier. Foreclosures rose by 8 per...
What To Do If Your Employer Hasn’t Paid You
Nancy called in to ask what she should do. Her employer is behind on wages and then moved her to commission-only but hasn't paid that either. She fina...
Comments on the show — Buffing Out Granite
Some contractors called in to say that you can buff out granite and mable, which I know to be true. The problem is that if the stone is flawed, no amo...
How To Sell Your House In 5 Days
I just gave out the information for this book on the air: "How to Sell Your Home in 5 Days" by Bill Effros (Workman Publishing, $15.95, but probably ...
Today On The Ilyce Glink Show August 10, 2008
There's a lot to talk about on Today's Show. CDs Are Looking Like A Better Deal Interest rates are starting to rise, which means that CDs are lookin...
Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Increase By 48 Percent In One Year
While in grad school, I covered the bankruptcy beat for about six months. It was during the time when there was excess liquidity, or cash, in most mar...
Closing Costs Increase Nationwide
Average closing costs increased to $3,118 in 2008 from $2,736 to 2007. That's a 14 percent rise, according to Bankrate.com. Which state has the highe...