Millionaire CFA Study
A new study from the Consumer Federation of America and Providian Financial shows that millionaires tend to be older, have graduate or professional degrees and earn more than $100,000 per year. All that isn't so surprising, but what is interesting is that the average American is doing a pretty good job of building assets, even with incomes as low as $10,000 per year.
50 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Personal Finances
How to spend less, save more, and make the most of what you have, brought to you by money-saving expert Ilyce R. Glink.
Saving For College: 529 Plans
The cost of a college education has been rising faster than the rate of inflation. It will take a lot of diligent saving to stock up enough to pay for the entire cost of your children's college educations. A 529 College Saving Plan is a great place to start saving for college.
Gift Taxes Associated With Real Estate Inheritance
What are the gift taxes associated with real estate inheritance? The person who is giving the land should think about the gift taxes that may be incurred if the real estate is given as an inheritance. Ilyce suggests a conversation about the current owner's wishes and a meeting with an estate attorney before accepting a real estate inheritance and the gift taxes associated with it.
Save Money For Retirement, College, Mortgage
Perhaps you've gotten a raise or cut other expenses, but you now have extra savings. What should you do with the money you save? You can increase your retirement savings in your 401(k) or Roth IRA, or you can prepay your mortgage. You can also put the extra money you save toward a 529 plan to help with your children's college costs.
The Right Way to Hire Financial Help: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Managing Brokers, Financial Planners, Insurance Agents, Lawyers, Tax Preparers, Bankers, and Real Estate Agents
Hiring financial help is a task that many otherwise savvy people approach the wrong way, opting to go on recommendations from family and friends, chan...