Personal Finances: Women Start To Take Charge Of Money
Women used to let their husbands and fathers manage their money. As time goes by more women are taking control of their personal finances. Learn what you can do to build wealth and have healthy personal finances.
Funeral Resources On The Internet
When you're planning a funeral you may not know where to begin. Learn about some of the organizations who can help you plan a funeral and how to find them.
Smart Couples Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Creating a Rich Future for You and Your Partner
Fighting about money is the #1 reason for divorce in America. From first-time newlyweds at the start of new careers to people marrying later in life o...
Personal Finance Goals For The New Year
What are some actions you can take to improve your personal finances? To improve your personal finances you should save money for an emergency fund, not buy anything you don't need and put together an estate plan. Following these tips will put you on more firm financial footing.
Holiday Shopping Through A Catalog
Although catalog and internet sales dipped big time after September 11th, they have rebounded and for consumers who don't want to face a crowded mall, using the phone or your fingers could be the way to go.
Buying And Selling In Scary Times
We live in scary times, and the fear factor is starting to have an effect on what up until now had been the strongest part of the economy - the housing market. Interest rates are at their lowest levels in more than 30 years. The first half of the year set new records for home sale activity. But the fear factor, driven by an undercurrent of recession and ignited by the terrorist attacks on September 11th, has caused many home buyers and sellers to pull back and wait until things settle down.