Not Easy To Sell Timeshares From Estate
An estate includes various timeshares. Unfortunately, there aren't any good ways to get rid of timeshares. You can go to the timeshare and try to find other owners of timeshares of the property who might be interested in purchasing yours.
Property Tax Refund Depends On Local Laws
Can you get a refund of property taxes if you overpaid due to your home being misclassified by your locality? It depends on where you live and how long it's been between your overpayment and when you bring it to the county's attention. Even if you can't get a refund of property taxes it may be some solace that you know you'll pay the correct amount going forward.
Bank Accounts
As hard as it is to believe, up to 50 percent of Chicagoans do not have bank accounts. But without a bank account, it's a lot harder to establish good credit, rent a car or even buy an airplane ticket.
Self Directed IRAs And Real Estate Investment
Real estate IRAs let you use IRA cash to invest in real estate. With stock market returns down, there's been a surge of interest concerning using IRAs to invest in real estate. Some self-directed IRA accounts give the flexibility to invest in real estate.
Wife Is Addicted To Saving Money
Can a savings plan work too well? If fun isn't part of your financial plan, then your personal finance goals may lead to personal disaster. While it's a great idea to committing to saving money, it's important to leave room for the fun stuff, too.
Avoid Gift Tax When Receiving Property
When receiving property from family members, not through inheritance, make sure you are careful to structure the arrangement to avoid triggering the gift tax. One way to structure the deal would be to "purchase" the house. You purchase the house from her and she acts as the bank and finances 100 percent of the purchase. You would then pay her as if she were your mortgage lender (which she would be).