Shopping For A New Mortgage Company
A home buyer is unhappy that the good faith estimate from his lender did not disclose prepayment penalties. Ilyce explains that he should shop around for a different mortgage company. Having a lender pull his credit report will not lower his credit score.
Real Estate Minute: Are Women Insecure About Money?
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Are Women Insecure About Money? Original Air Date: September 12, 2006
Real Estate Minute: Prepare For The Curve Balls Of Life
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Prepare For The Curve Balls Of Life Original Air Date: September 11, 2006
Rehap or Sell Home to Developer
Summary: A reader inherited a dated home from his parents. Now he is faced with the decision to invest money to improve the h...
Real Estate Minute: What’s Your Disaster Plan?
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink What’s Your Disaster Plan? Original Air Date: September 2006
Setting Up Condo Association
Normally, condominium associations are not-for-profit corporations, and each state has specific guidelines regulating them. One guideline is to have a registered agent for the condominium association. If the condominium association is involved in litigation, the registered agent is the person who will receive the legal notice of the suit.