Divorce Settlement Determines Property Ownership
A husband, who will soon be divorced, lives in a home paid for by his wife and his father-in-law. The wife wants to know what rights her soon-to-be ex-husband has to the property since he's not on the mortgage note. It's possible the divorce court may decide that he's entitled to one quarter of the property. His soon-to-be ex-wife will get one quarter and her father owns half. The exact property ownership breakdown will depend on the divorce settlement.
Commercial Real Estate Liabilities After A Divorce
When you own commercial real estate with a former spouse and decide to remarry it may require clarifying the assets you hold. To resolve who's liable for paying the mortgages, it may mean signing a quit claim deed or other documents. But before signing anything about your commercial real estate holdings, you should consult with an attorney to understand what you're signing. And before getting married, inquire about a future spouse's financial obligations.
Title Search May Reveal Lien
A divorced woman wants to make sure the property she's buying from her ex-husband does not have any outstanding liens. Liens may include mortgage loans and home equity lines of credit or HELOCs. An attorney can also help sort out whether there are any outstanding liens and ensure that the title is free and clear of liens.
Change Mortgage In Divorce: Quit Claim Deed Won’t Work
When you divorce you may want to remove some of the names on your home's mortgage. You can't remove the name of one of the borrowers on a mortgage loan using a quit claim deed. A quit claim deed can change the names listed on a home's title but not on the mortgage. To change the names on a mortgage loan you have to refinance, sell the home and repay the mortgage loan or pay off the mortgage loan with cash.
Estate Planning: No Will Means Following State Laws
When someone dies, who inherits the contents of the estate? Does it go to the person's spouse or children, or both? It depends on the state where the deceased lives and whether that person had a will. To ensure that your estate planning wishes get executed make sure to have a valid will.
Track Expenses To Create A Household Budget
As the economy tightens, more Americans may be thinking about their household budgets. Household budgets include major expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, but also smaller costs such as cable television. How can you set up a household budget? Track daily expenses to see what you're spending. Use a money tracking software program such as Quicken or Microsoft Money to make tracking expenses throughout the seasons easier.