Annuities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
There’s a lot of misinformation about annuities. That’s not surprising, since the term “annuity” is applied to a variety of dissimilar investments. These investments are also quite complex, which seems to suit the insurance industry. Complexity makes it more difficult for investors to separate good annuity investments from the bad. I divide annuities into three [...]
Gold Investment Advice: Should I Be Investing In Gold?
The question I get asked most often is should I buy gold? My answer? You are asking the wrong question. Investors buy and sell gold at the wrong times. If you are talking about making a short-term profit by buying gold and then selling it at a higher price, the issue is very simple. You [...]
Four Rules for Solving the Investing Rubik’s Cube
I get a lot of requests from investors who want to know what to invest in now. I have to confess that I don’t understand the question. Investing is not like eating. You don’t want to try something new every day. Your investing strategy should be like eating the same meal day after day. The [...]
Financial New Year’s Resolutions: Clean Up Your Personal Finances
Prepare yourself for the new year by cleaning up your personal finances. The recession has affected us all, but it's time for a fresh start with New Year's Resolutions to get your personal finances back on track. Follow these New Year's Resolutions now and for the rest of the year to clean up your credit, save money, and stay on top of your investments. These New Year's Resolutions will help prepare your personal finances for the rest of the year.
Top Three Financial New Year’s Resolutions
Make a New Year's Resolution to clean up your personal finances. Stick to a budget, live within your means, and put away savings every month. Below are the top three financial new year's resolutions. Make 2010 the year to stick to your financial new year's resolutions.