10 Golden Rules All Investors Should Follow
Smart investing is not very difficult. It is in the interest of the securities industry to convince you otherwise so you will use its services. I have distilled intelligent investing and financial planning down to these ten golden rules. They are easy to understand and to implement. If everyone followed them, the misery index for [...]
6 Biggest Estate-Planning Mistakes You Can Make
You have worked hard all your life. You love your heirs and want to provide for them after your death. You have good intentions. Yet most Americans make critical mistakes in their estate planning that eviscerate their wealth and leave their heirs scrambling to figure out what went wrong. Here are the biggest estate-planning mistakes [...]
529 College Savings Plans Are Best For Saving For Your Grandchildren’s College Education
The recession and market turbulence have made the dire financial situation facing some baby boomers much worse. Few were prepared for retirement before the financial crisis. Most are hopelessly behind in their retirement savings. Consider these statistics: By some estimates, almost 10 percent of retirees have children dependent on them for financial support. Almost 33 [...]
Bonds and the Bonds Market: A Basic Primer
Bonds confuse most investors. The securities industry likes it that way. The more you believe investing is just too complex to figure out on your own, the likelier it is that you will need the services of a “financial consultant.” Going down that road is often the beginning of a frustrating journey (for you-the consultant [...]
The Volatility Index-Much Ado about Nothing
You have no doubt been reading a lot about the volatility index lately. Before I tell you why I believe it is irrelevant, let me first tell you what it is. The Chicago Board Options Exchange established a volatility index (VIX). The VIX is not a measure of how volatile the markets have been. It [...]
Five Ways to Shave Those Utility Bills This Summer
This summer, you can easily save money on your utility bills, energy bills, and power bills. Some energy saving tips: to save money on your utility bills and save money, install energy saving products that use less energy: like a programmable thermostat or energy saving light bulbs. By using less energy, you slash utility bills, lowering your payments and go green at the same time. This article discusses more energy saving ideas and money saving strategies.