Property Seizure by Medicaid to Pay Medical Bill
Property seizure by Medicaid to pay medical bill is possible if homeowner is delinquent on payments with no other assets. Medicaid can seize property to pay medical bills. Seniors needing assistance to pay medical bills may receive Medicaid coverage. Seniors with funds are expected to pay medical bills or face property seizure for Medicaid. Medicaid can seize property and other assets to pay for outstanding medical bills.
How to Maximize Your Investment Returns with Your Cash Reserves
Everyone knows that cash is king, right? Actually, holding cash can be very risky. Let me tell you why. I met with a prospective client who was recently widowed. She told me the stock market terrified her and she wanted to keep everything in cash. Her assets were in a six-month certificate of deposit earning [...]
Investing As A Couple Can Lead to Marriage Stress
Many couples believe in togetherness, which can be a good thing. However, there are dangers to investing jointly that should give even the closest duos pause. Remember the best-selling book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, by John Gray? The difference in the way men and women view the world has particular applicability [...]
Short Selling Is Shortsighted When Navigating Today’s Stock Market
Short selling stock-or borrowing shares of stock and promising to return them to their owner at a future date-is popular these days. After all, isn’t it clear that economic Armageddon is just around the corner? The government is printing money. Gold is at an all-time high. Major European countries are on the brink of defaulting [...]
Why Timing the Stock Market Never Works
Wouldn’t it be great if you knew when the markets were going to take off or tank? Armed with that knowledge, you’d have no trouble achieving your investment goals. You’d just buy if the markets were going up and sell if they were going down. Here’s the problem with that scenario: Market direction is driven [...]
Pay Off Investment Property Or Pay Down Mortgage?
Decide to payoff an investment property or pay down the mortgage. Don't pay off an investment property and pay down the mortgage at the same time. Consider interest rates on loans before paying off mortgage loans on an investment property or primary home mortgage. Refinance mortgage loans before you pay down a primary home mortgage or investment property mortgage loan.