Investing Advice For Selling Your Gold
With the price of gold recently reaching $1,900 per troy ounce and expected to hit $2,500 per troy ounce by year’s end, the temptation to sell gold is high for many consumers looking for investing advice. An uncertain stock market and the recent downgrade in the United States’ credit rating have created a major demand [...]
Investing in Company Stock: Pros and Cons
In the late ’90s, I had a client who was excited to see his stock options increasing at a rapid rate. Over the course of a few months, he saw the value of his options increase four times, and he was a millionaire on paper literally overnight. Wanting more and thinking it could never go [...]
Beginning Financial Building Blocks
Q & A with Financial Planning Expert Roger Wohlner Beginning Financial Building Blocks Beginning a Career Q: I’m just starting out in my career. I put money monthly into a 401(k), but what else should I be doing? Roger Wohlner: Funding your 401(k) is a great start. You should also look to build up an [...]
How Does Probate Work Without A Will?
How does probate work without a will? The purpose of probate is to distribute assets and debt, if there is no will, the estate may not need to go through it. Q: What happens, if a person passes away and no one files probate because the estate has no assets? Do any of the deceased [...]
Beware of Financial Clutter
When I work with a new client in my financial planning practice, I often come across a condition that I call “financial clutter.” This has many forms, but a common version might look like this: Husband and wife have worked at several jobs and have a number of 401(k) plans left with their former employers. [...]
What Financial Advisors Talk About, and Why You Should Care
Since 2003, I have been a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, or NAPFA, which is the largest professional organization of fee-only advisors. Several years ago, NAPFA created a number of small study groups. The group to which I belong has nine members, and all of us are either solo or have [...]