Monthly Budget Tips for Renters
It’s January, and you know what that means: New Year’s resolutions. In addition to eating better and losing weight, many Americans resolve to get their finances under control by creating a monthly budget for themselves. Making a budget is essential if you want to build your savings, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. [...]
New Year’s Financial Resolutions for 2012
We all should have New Year's Financial resolutions to help guide us in 2012 and improve our financial health during these financial hard times. Are you tired of thinking about your finances? The Great Recession has had a lasting impact on how we think about and manage our money, especially those of us who have [...]
Ilyce Glink Show – How to Find a Job in the New Year – December 18, 2011
How to find a job in the New Year. Plus guest Eva Rosenberg, with her tax advice, discusses how small business owners can plan for the 2012 tax season. And as usual, providing personal finance advice, real estate advice and consumer advice on the Ilyce Glink Show December 18, 2011 on WSB Radio. On this last show [...]
Get Over Your Fears with an Investment Strategy
With the U.S. in debt to levels never exceeded before, high unemployment rates, rising loan defaults, and politicians who can’t agree on how to deal with the financial crisis, many people are fearful of making any kind of investment. It’s natural to be nervous about investments, especially those that could be risky, but a good [...]
Money Management Tips: When Celebrities Make Money Mistakes
This may sound obvious, but if you are fortunate enough to enjoy personal wealth, the easiest way to hang onto it is to be smart about how you manage expenses, investments, taxes, and other pillars of personal finance and money management tips. However, in many cases, especially when it comes to celebrity culture, this is [...]
401k Withdrawal Or Home Equity To Pay For Wedding
What would be better, the withdrawal of 401k funds or to obtain an home equity loan to pay for wedding expenses? Q: I am 57 and my husband is 62. We would like to borrow $25,000 to help pay for a wedding for our daughter. We purchased a townhome in 2004 for $230,000 at an [...]