Create a Spending Plan for Your Family
Financial success doesn’t just happen; you have to plan for it. A spending plan can help you allocate your money resources to the financial goals that will provide you with a secure future, as well as help you enjoy your life right now. When your family creates a spending plan, you take control of your [...]
Budgeting After Divorce
Budget adjustment after divorce can be painful. Divorce is number two on the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale with good reason and usually results in the couple readjusting their budget after a divorce. Anyone who has been through a divorce will tell you that it's a complicated and difficult process on so many levels. In [...]
Steal These Dieting Tips to Trim Your Budget
Not long ago, I joined a popular weight management program to help me shed some post-baby pounds. (No comment on the fact that my “babies” were almost entering their double-digit years!) As I started learning techniques for shedding extra weight, I noticed something interesting. As my weight went down, my husband’s and my savings balance [...]
Problem Lending Money To Family Member With Divorce
Lending money to family and friends can lead to problems, particularly if they get divorced. Recovering the money may be even harder. Q: My wife and I are in our late 60's and two years ago we loaned my son and his wife $60,000 for a down payment on a home. They bought the home [...]
Give Your Budget A PERK
Budgeting is often touted as the best path toward saving money. Unfortunately, budgeting sometimes doesn’t work in the long term, as many people don’t have the discipline to log their every expenditure and say no to spending. Instead of implementing a traditional budget, try PERK—an easy and effective money-savings plan, says Robert Pagliarini, founder of [...]
Investing With Savings Bonds
When my husband and I got married, we were young, but we were always thinking about saving money. My husband had $25 taken out of every paycheck for his employer to buy him savings bonds. (Back then, $25 was about 15 percent of our rent.) I started setting aside similar sums of money into savings, [...]