Summer Fun: Alternatives to Expensive Sleepaway Camps
Whether you’re looking for summer daycare for your kids while you work or you just want some fun new activities for your child while school’s out, you already know that filling your child’s vacation days is no walk in the park. In some areas of the country, parents count on their kids attending a traditional [...]
Money Management: Understanding Needs and Wants
One of the most important concepts in money management is understanding the difference between needs and wants. In order to successfully manage your household finances and your budget, you have to be able to ensure that the most important items in your life—your needs—are taken care of before you focus on your wants. Unfortunately, our [...]
What Every Graduating Senior Needs to Know about Money
High school graduation represents a milestone for teenagers. For parents who have spent eighteen years trying to prepare their children to lead productive and successful lives, graduation is an indication that they are well on their way. Your graduating senior may be ready to leave for college or get a job, but what does she [...]
Money Management: Give Yourself a Money-Makeover Day
Most of us have an annoying list of money management tasks we never seem to get around to—from checking rates on car insurance to rolling over a 401(k) from a previous job. Instead of tackling these projects in dribs and drabs (or not at all!), why not take an entire day off and get a [...]
Investing Tips: When to Talk to a Financial Planner
A financial planner is your partner in all steps of your financial planning, offering you investing tips and advice on a variety of money topics and retirement goals. If you need any kind of financial assistance, then the time to consult with an advisor is now. It’s important that you do your homework on multiple [...]
Saving Money: Teaching Children the Value of Money
Most of us want our children to grow up to be responsible with money. Financial literacy is an important part of successful money management—if you start teaching your children basic lessons while they are young, they will have a firm financial foundation to build upon in the future. When brought up to know the value [...]