Saving Money By Chasing Seasonal Sales
When your refrigerator suddenly dies, you obviously have to buy another one, pronto. You don’t have time to save money for a new one or watch for a great sale. Similarly, if you realize your patio dining set isn’t party-worthy right before you host your family reunion, you’ll probably run out to buy new outdoor [...]
Estate Planning Even If You Think You Don’t Have An Estate
In the course of life, we learn so much from our mistakes as well as those of people we encounter. Let me share some important estate planning and estate-related lessons I have learned over the years. Providing for your children You love your children. You care about their financial and emotional well-being. And you’ve probably made some [...]
Money Management: Ways to Diversify Your Income
A few decades ago, if you had a job at any given company, you usually had career security—and possibly a pension. That employment setup has been replaced by one in which companies replace workers without too much thought, and the average person is expected to have more than five jobs over the course of a [...]
Money Management: Explaining Paystubs to Your Teen
As teenagers are taking part-time and summer jobs to earn some spending cash and help with saving for college, now is a great time to start instilling some money management skills. Here are some details about paystubs that you can teach your teen as he or she enters the working world. Fundamentals of paychecks Whenever [...]
Start Your Own Veggie and Herb Garden
DIY at the Dinner Table: Saving Money with a Veggie and Herb Garden It only takes a quick walk through your grocery store’s produce section to see why so many families (and even many schools) are growing their own veggies and herbs: $3 for a small head of lettuce, $2 for a handful of parsley, [...]
Saving for College with Savings Bonds: Smart or Silly?
Worried about saving for college? As high school seniors around the country graduate and begin moving on, it may be a good time for them to cash in some of those savings bonds that friends and family members have been giving them over the years. Even if the bonds haven’t fully matured yet, they may [...]