Saving for College and Expected Family Contribution
In The College Solution, Lynn O’Shaughnessy provides an easy-to-use roadmap that you can use to find the right colleges (not just the most hyped) and to dramatically reduce your costs. In this excerpt, learn more about saving for college and your family’s expected financial contribution. Read more about financial aid and your family’s expected financial contribution. The formula does play [...]
Teach Your Kids the Value of a Dollar
Many of us look at our children and wish that they understood our attempts to teach them about money management, from why we’re nagging them to turn the lights off to what that wasted food means for our grocery budget. It’s all about the value of a dollar. We’d like our children to learn about what goes [...]
How rich is too rich to qualify for financial aid?
In The College Solution, Lynn O’Shaughnessy provides an easy-to-use roadmap that you can use to find the right colleges (not just the most hyped) and to dramatically reduce your costs. In this excerpt, learn more about saving for college and your family’s expected financial contribution. How rich is too rich to qualify for financial aid? A mother who [...]
Money Management Lessons from the Military
The military is known for turning ordinary citizens into soldiers but not usually for teaching those soldiers about money management and how to handle their personal finances. However, the military did teach Steve Repak, Army veteran and Certified Financial Planner™, all he needed to know about personal finance so that he could dig himself out of debt and build his [...]
Build Your Savings with Targeted Goals
Everyone knows that saving money is important, whether it’s for retirement, for emergencies, or just for a rainy day. But if we don’t know why we’re saving money or what we’re saving for, savings strategies become increasingly ineffective. It’s easy to raid your savings when you need extra cash if the money is sitting there without purpose. “A lot [...]
Budget and Money Management: Total Cost of Ownership
Many of us, when we make purchases, look at the price only. We consider the sticker price of an item or service and then make a judgment based on how expensive or cheap it is. However, the upfront cost should not be the only consideration. Your calculations should consider an item’s total cost of ownership. [...]