The Female Investment Strategy and Why it Works
Recent research shows that women's investment returns are, on average, higher than those of men. Remember when a woman was told that the best investment she could make was finding herself a husband? Times sure have changed. A survey by personal-finance site DailyWorth showed that 76 percent of women act as their household’s primary retirement [...]
Should Your Kids Participate in Club Sports?
Any parent knows that kids are expensive, but sometimes they can be even more of a strain on your budget than usual. Once your athletic kid gets close to middle school, you’ll likely face the “club sports” question: Should you encourage your child to join a more competitive—and more expensive—traveling team? Club teams are usually quite selective [...]
How to Rebuild Your Savings after Unemployment
You’ve been responsible with money your entire life, setting some aside for retirement or to build up a rainy day fund. Then something unexpected comes up—a long stretch of unemployment, an illness with major medical bills, or major unanticipated home repairs—and you suddenly find your savings depleted. I’ve worked with clients who have gone through some of life’s [...]
Finding Private Scholarships
In The College Solution, Lynn O’Shaughnessy provides an easy-to-use roadmap that you can use to find the right colleges (not just the most hyped) and to dramatically reduce your costs. In this excerpt, learn more about saving for college and finding private scholarships. If you’re interested in hunting for private scholarships, here are some tips to increase your [...]
Breaking Down Investment Fees and Commissions
While an investment portfolio is great way to build wealth, many investors are unaware of the variety of fees that are a part of just about every investment one can make. Mutual funds, annuities, stocks and essentially all other investment vehicles come with fees attached. Some fees show up only at the time of purchase and/or sale, but others [...]