Investment Misconceptions
The government cannot "steal" an investor's 401k and brokerage account assets in order to pay off debt. These are investment misconceptions. Q: On Ilyce’s radio show this past week, she took a call from someone who asked what worries her about the economy. She talked about the upcoming presidential election, among other issues like the [...]
Help Paying Monthly Bills
A person can help pay his monthly bills and avoid over-extension by going into foreclosure, doing a short sale or considering bankruptcy. Q: I will try to make a long story short. I have credit card debt of about $12,000, a car loan of $20,000 and a ton of mortgage loans. I owe $156,000 on [...]
Ten Tips for Saving Money While at College
It’s time for college students to head back to campus—and whether you are a freshman or a senior, saving money should be a priority. As tuition prices rise, you have to make up for the cost somewhere. While you prepare to get out there on your own, consider these ten tips for saving money while at college: [...]
Government Assistance for Those with Medical or Financial Problems
In the current market, there are no good solutions for homeowners that are in a financial crisis, need to sell or need to refinance. We routinely get emails from our readers that are typical of the following letter: My mortgage is past due by 2 months because of medical problems that prevent me from working. [...]
Tips for Investing $50,000
Look at your investment goals and future plans when considering how to invest $50,000. You may choose to place some money in index funds. Q: Hi, if you had $50,000 in a bank savings account I was wondering how would you invest it. A: That’s not a fair question. Your question implies that I would [...]
Saving Money on Kids’ Lunches
When you’re busy, it’s oh so easy to pull out your wallet and give your child cash to buy a hot lunch at school. But the cost of those lunches can add up pretty quickly. So just in time for the back-to-school season, I asked one of my favorite experts on saving money, Stephanie Nelson of, [...]