Top 10 Ways to Save Money on Valentine’s Day
Save money this Valentine's Day with these top 10 tips on how to enjoy Valentine's Day while on a budget. Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And whether they’re spending it with the love of their life or just some friends, consumers are expected to spend an average of [...]
Four Tips to Help Communicate with Your Spouse about Money
Prior to marriage, most couples take part in some kind of premarital counseling. Unfortunately, that counseling often does not cover one of the most stressful aspects of marriage—money management. Money can be a major source of arguments in even the best relationships. The good news is that some preemptive planning can avert these kinds of [...]
Divorce: Division of Assets and Property
During divorce the division of assets and property can take a long time. Find a divorce attorney to help divide your marital assets. Q: My husband and I have been married for over 15 years. Two years ago, we separated and later decided to give ourselves a second chance. Unfortunately, it has not gone so [...]
A New Year, a New FAFSA
Some schools and colleges are cutting fees and tuition to attract students, but education costs are still high. When I went to college, my tuition and fees averaged about $500 per year plus another $500 for books. Today, you’re looking at 10 times those costs—or more. Financial aid is critical to help cover those costs. [...]
Personal Finance Resolutions for 2013
Personal finance resolutions for 2013 that will help you save money and get out of debt. Get your finances in order to buy a house. We’re not even half way through the first month of 2013, but already everyone seems tired of talking about their personal finances. The last seven years of financial chaos has [...]