The ABCs of Budgeting for School Fundraisers
First, there’s the school wrapping paper sale. Then Girl Scout cookie sales. Then the big spring gala. They are all worthy causes, of course, but how do you budget for seemingly constant school fundraisers, especially if you have multiple kids in different schools? As shrinking state and federal budgets take their toll on schools, parents [...]
What To Do With Cash: Pay Off Debt Or Invest?
Sometimes we find ourselves with a little extra cash through a tax refund, a bonus at work, or some other unexpected windfall. What are you going to do with all of that money burning a hole in your pocket? Treating yourself is sometimes nice, but there are often smarter ideas for money management. Those who [...]
Red Flags: Signs You May Have a Dud of a Financial Planner
Taking financial advice from someone takes a lot of trust—trust you shouldn’t give someone just because he or she has a business degree. There are plenty of financial planners that don’t make the grade. These red flags will help you decide whether you can trust your planner or whether it’s time to move on to someone else [...]
How to Plan for the Future Financially
When wondering how to plan for the future financially, always remember to spend less than you earn and pay down your debt. Q: My wife and I have been married more than 30 years, but we don’t have any kids. In our adult lifetimes we have owned 11 homes in the United States and United [...]
Shop Second-Hand Stores and Garage Sales Like a Pro
If you haven’t been to a thrift store or garage sale lately, now’s a great time to explore one. Why? Many families de-clutter after Christmas, so they donate or consign items to local second-hand shops in the spring. As the weather improves, garage sales also start popping up like spring crocuses. If you’re a little [...]
Money Management: Creating a Shared Budget with a Partner
When you decide to share your life with someone, there’s a lot to get used to. However, there are few things that upset your life more than the disagreements that can come along with money management. Whether you decide to combine finances or keep things separate, it’s smart to come up with a shared household [...]