Make Extra Money This Summer: Turn Your Hobby Into a Business
Being self-employed requires passion and determination. With some hard work and creative thinking, you can turn your favorite hobby into a small business that makes money and helps you achieve your financial goals. Almost 15 years ago, the manager of the gym where I was working as a bookkeeper asked me if I wanted to [...]
A Guide To Saving Money Using Social Media
My teenage daughter, like her friends, pretty much lives on her Twitter and Facebook accounts. Me, not quite so much. I’m not a huge fan of sharing little bits of my daily life in short sentences. The way I do use social media, however, allows me to save money. Every few days, I check our [...]
Budget Busters: Forgotten Automatic Payments
Technology has made sticking to a budget easier through the use of auto-payments. With auto-payments, it’s possible to arrange to have the money you owe for bills and subscriptions deducted directly from your bank account on a specific date each month. This can help you avoid penalties and interest associated with late payments, and make [...]
How Should You Pay Your Children?
It’s important to teach your children how to budget wisely while they are still young, but how can you teach them to save money if they don’t have any? Allowance is one way that you can provide your children with money of their own to manage while you help them to learn by doing. Setting [...]
Tips for Giving Wedding Gifts on a Limited Budget
This post was written by guest blogger Eve Becker. While newlyweds take their first wedding dance, a delicate budgeting dance can be going on in the guests’ heads—especially if they had to pay for travel expenses along with numerous engagement, bridal shower and wedding gifts. As stressful as it can be, it’s possible to keep [...]
Preparing Your Children for Financial Independence
As parents, we want our children to be successful and happy in life, but teaching them financial independence often gets put on the back burner. Many parents wait until their children are graduating from high school or leaving for college to begin talking about money management. Here are three tips to help your children forge [...]