6 Ways to Save Money on Summer Childcare
This post was written by guest blogger Teri Cettina. The so-called lazy days of summer aren’t quite that laid-back for working parents of young children. Summer means no school for the kids for three full months—and instead, a complex patchwork of childcare or different summer camps. All this extra care can get expensive if you’re [...]
Expensive Home Upgrades: Tips on Spending and Saving Money Wisely
Considering expensive home upgrades? Expert tips on spending and saving money wisely, including paying off a mortgage and saving for retirement. Q: I have a $138,000 mortgage at 3.75 percent on a 15-year term with 10 years left to pay. The property is appraised at $300,000. I have $130,000 cash reserve. My wife wants to [...]
Stop “Keeping Up With the Joneses” and Avoid Their Debt
We all like to feel normal, and nothing helps you feel normal like having the same stuff as your neighbors. Having the same gadgets and cars lets you feel like you fit in with your neighbors, and there is also a status component—having what others have can trigger feelings of success. Unfortunately, all that stuff [...]
Money Management Tips: How to Deal with Fundraiser Fatigue
Your neighbor is running a 5K for a worthwhile charity and hopes you’ll sponsor her. A nonprofit agency to which you’ve donated in the past keeps contacting you about additional gifts. A coworker is collecting funds to buy a milk-producing goat for a needy family across the globe. These are all good causes, but donation [...]
6 Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their College-Bound Teen
Graduation season is upon us, and those of us who are parents are suddenly struck by the fact that, before we know it, we will be sending our children off to college. Use the time before they leave for school to have focused conversations that will empower and prepare them for the challenges ahead. In [...]
Get Your Kids Started With Money Management This Summer
This post was written by guest blogger Teri Cettina. As summer approaches, most of my friends talk about the camps, classes, and other activities that their kids will be attending this summer. But when I raise the idea of the kids earning summer money—whoa. This may still be a foreign concept for many parents of [...]