Estate Planning: Trusts and Transfer on Death (TOD)
Estate Planning: Trusts and Transfer on Death (TOD) Understanding when to use a trust versus a transfer on death (TOD) instrument COMMENT: I read your recent article about trusts and beneficiaries of trusts. You mentioned that “If you have a revocable trust, as the beneficiary you have the right to amend the trust and update [...]
How to Transfer a Home Into a Living Trust
How to Transfer a Home Into a Living Trust Will a living trust always help a home owner avoid probate? Q: I am trying to help my dad transfer his home into a living trust. He will maintain the home as his primary residence. We want to put the home into a living trust to [...]
Who Should Inherit My Mom’s House?
Who should inherit my mom's house? A step-sister is claiming a share of the reader's mom's house after mom quitclaimed the deed to her father Q: My mother and father were married for over 20 years. During their marriage they bought a house. At some point my mother signed a quitclaim deed and made my [...]
Adding Successor Trustees
Adding Successor Trustees and Beneficiaries When you should revisit your trust documents Q: My house is held in a trust. My nephew is the successor trustee. He not only is the successor trustee, but he and his sister are each 45 percent beneficiaries. Another nephew is the final 10 percent beneficiary. Only my home is [...]
HOA Won’t Pay Repair Bill
HOA Won't Pay Repair Bill Here's why the homeowners association won't agree to foot the entire bill for water damage to an owner's unit. Q: We own a condo in Atlanta as a secondary residence. About a year ago we discovered a portion of our floor was saturated with water. We discovered, and the [...]
Should I Put Inherited Property In LLC?
Should I Put Inherited Property In LLC? Reader wants to know if using an LLC to transfer property ownership after death is the best way to avoid probate Q: I inherited a parcel of land upon my father's death. His wishes were for the property to remain in the family for my children. In order [...]