Three Ways to Avoid Taking Out Student Loans
The cost of college keeps rising, and many students are turning to student loans to help them afford their schooling. Unfortunately, this means many graduate with crushing debt. In fact, with outstanding student loans surpassing $1 trillion, many are questioning whether a college education is worth the high costs. Fortunately, with some planning, it’s possible [...]
Personal Finance Advice: Get Your Financial Life Organized
There are many financial obligations that can clutter up your financial life. From the junk mail pushing the latest credit card offer to the checks you write to pay bills, the financial chaos can start to weigh you down. A piece of personal finance advice: To get back on track, you may want to begin [...]
Four Steps to Handling Personal Finances After a Spouse’s Death
No one can prepare you for the emotional upheaval that results when you go from being part of a couple to suddenly single. There is a period of grief that may be different for each person. Here is some personal finance advice that may help you get back in the driver’s seat of your life after [...]
Money Management Tips for Couples: Do You Need Joint Accounts?
Whether you’re married or cohabitating, you’ve likely thought about how to most effectively manage your money as a couple. Should you combine everything, have a household account, or simply keep everything separate? The choice is a very personal one that depends mostly on your financial goals, but there are a few other things you may [...]
Glinkonomics: Raising Money-Smart Kids
Glinkonomics, life this week on WSB radio, Ilyce talks about how important it is for parents and kids to discuss money. Welcome back to the Ilyce Glink Show, live every Sunday. It's football season, so that means our show moves back an hour. We’re now on from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., all the way [...]