Financial Planning for Kids with Special Needs: Funding a Financial Plan
Planning for your financial future can be daunting, and it may be even more overwhelming if you have a child with special needs. Family financial planning becomes more urgent when you have your child’s care and long-term financial goals to consider. That’s why creating, maintaining, and funding a special needs trust for a child is [...]
How to Enjoy Halloween without Going Boo-roke
If you're hosting a Halloween party you may be worried about finding creative decorations and preparing the right food but the cost probably has you scared. With Halloween spending expected to hit almost $7 billion this year, Americans are doing some serious shopping. But you don’t have to break the bank when getting ready for [...]
Personal Finance Advice: Five Tricks and Treats for Your Finances
How do you feel about your finances—are you scared to death? Are you on track to meet your financial goals for this year? Has your financial life derailed instead? If your finances are more frightening than watching a scary movie alone at midnight on Halloween, treat yourself to these five money management tricks. It may [...]
Victims of Domestic Abuse Need to Have a Financial Strategy
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. As survivors of domestic abuse situations begin to take control of their lives, regaining financial stability, saving money and setting financial goals are tasks of the utmost importance. Financial abuse is a common tactic used by abusers to gain power and control in a relationship. It can be as [...]
Saving Money When Caring for Sick Pets
If you have a furry or feathered family member, you’ve probably faced this conundrum: How much are you willing to budget for medications and medical care for Fluffy? It’s not always a simple question to answer. For example, our family paid less than $10 for a hamster, and we swore that we would never spend [...]
Ten Real-Life Steps for Teaching Money Management
Teaching your teens money management skills, such as how to stick to a budget and save money, is essential training for when they’re older. When your teens get older, giving them a weekly allowance may no longer make sense, as they want and need more control over what they buy. Often, their purchases are big-ticket [...]