How to Live a VIP Lifestyle on a Budget
There’s a saying that good meat isn’t cheap and cheap meat isn’t good—in other words, you get what you pay for. So when you’re on a budget, how can you enjoy the finer things in life without breaking the bank? Fortunately, you can treat yourself and the ones you love to some VIP-style fun every [...]
Five Ways to Save Money on a Family Spring Break Getaway
Is your family itching to go somewhere for spring break while you’d like to keep your wallet from overheating? Here are some ideas for saving money on your trip: 1. Get off the beaten path. If at all possible, avoid traveling to typical spring break destinations. Not only will your family be surrounded by partying [...]
Tips to Save Money: The Spending Trade-Off
Engagement ring or down payment? Apparently young women are increasingly opting for the latter. According to a survey of 1,000 people from ERA Real Estate, half of young women would rather have their mate propose with a plan to put money toward the down payment of a house than an engagement ring and 60 percent would [...]
3 Ways to Trick Your Brain into Spending Less
Money can be a real pain. About 24 percent of people admit that the “pain of spending” turns them into tightwads, while about 15 percent admit to being spendthrifts, where they experience so little pain when spending that they spend more than they should. When I say pain, I mean it rather literally. Researchers Scott [...]
One Rule That Can Instantly Boost Your Investments
Have you heard of the Rule of 752? For those struggling to save money, this one’s for you. We always hear that by cutting out small expenses, we can save big (I even have an eBook touching on 10 expenses that can kill your savings). We know those $3 daily lattes add up. But it [...]
In Debt? Consider a Debt Management Plan
The economy is continuing to improve, and many people who saved diligently during the recession to pay off debt are now feeling comfortable enough to borrow again for homes, cars, and other big purchases. As a result, U.S. household debt is climbing at its fastest pace in five years. Consumer household debt rose 1.1 percent [...]