Estate Plan: Is a Simple Will Enough?
Our estate plan is a will. Is that enough to make sure our son inherits? Q: I read about people putting their home in trust to avoid probate. Our estate plan is a simple will. Our house and everything we own, including our money and personal effects, is left to our son. I thought that [...]
Title Issues Cloud Estate
Title Issues Cloud Estate Step-daughter wonders why lender failed to add her to title and what she can do now Q: Early last year, my stepmom and I had a meeting with her loan company to figure out what the easiest way to pass her home to me when she died. I know nothing about [...]
Inherit Property by Will or Receive by Deed?
Inherit Property by Will or Receive by Deed? Is it better to inherit real estate or receive by a quit claim deed? Q: My mom has a condo in Delaware, but she and I both live in Maryland in our own separate homes. The home my mom lives in is in my sister’s name. Mom’s [...]
Trusts: How to Handle a Home in a Trust
Trusts: How to Handle a Home in a Trust Q: My mom's home is in a trust. She passed away towards the end of last year. She lived in the home for over 20 years. Her trust lists her six grandchildren as the beneficiaries of the trust. We’ve found a buyer for the home who [...]
Power of Attorney and Elder Abuse
Power of Attorney and Elder Abuse COMMENT: You stated to a reader recently that it was unclear why the niece no longer had power of attorney (POA) over the aunt's house – and a conservator stepped in. As an advocate against guardianship abuse, a POA can be removed through the courts like a discarded traffic [...]