Money Mistakes People Make in Their 20s and 30s
Look back at who you were in your 20s and 30s. If you could have a conversation with yourself, what money mistakes would you say to avoid? Here are a couple big money mistakes I think people in their 20s and 30s often make. People in their 20s Two big mistakes people in their 20s [...]
How To Make a Wedding Budget
Spring has sprung and, after a holiday lull, wedding season is in full swing. Planning your big day is exciting, but it can quickly get overwhelming—and expensive. To avoid headaches and unpleasant financial surprises, it’s important to assess your wedding budget before doing anything else. Here are five things to keep in mind when planning [...]
3 Lazy Ways To Save Money
Saving money should be easy, right? So easy you can be lazy about putting it into action. So, what are some lazy ways to save money? To start, you just take some of the money you earn and put it away in a savings account so you won’t spend it. Then you repeat. Yet most [...]
How Your Veteran Status Can Help You Qualify for Benefits
If you are a veteran, you may qualify for benefits in some unexpected places. You’ll need to do some research and get some documentation in order to take advantage of these benefits, but in the end the financial rewards could be substantial. Here are just a few areas where your veteran status could benefit you [...]
5 Steps to Financial Stability
Would you consider yourself financially comfortable or financially well-off? Have you taken any steps toward financial stability? Most Americans do see a difference, according to a recent Countrywide Financial survey. Nearly half of Americans say $50,000 to $100,000 in annual household income is enough to live comfortably, but just 34 percent of Americans consider that [...]
Three Tips for Renewing Your New Year’s Resolutions
By the time spring rolls around, many of us have given up on our New Year’s resolutions—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of waiting until next January to get on track, make it a point to renew your resolutions right now. Here’s how: 1. Get rid of the New Year’s resolution mindset. [...]