How to Help Ensure You Leave Your Family an Inheritance
You may have considered leaving an inheritance to someone close to you—a child, a sibling, or perhaps your best friend. While it’s nice to know that you might make someone’s life a little easier by giving him or her money, real estate, or personal property, it’s also daunting to figure out how to go about [...]
3 Ways to Make Your Cash Work Harder For You
You’ve probably got some cash stashed—if you’re subscribing to this newsletter you know how important I think it is to have enough in savings—but your cash probably isn’t working that hard for you. Even if you keep a meaningful percentage of your assets in cash, the bank is probably paying you next to nothing on [...]
Five Tips for Finding and Paying for Assisted Living
Many seniors (or their adult children) have to confront the reality that they can no longer live independently in their home. Moving into an assisted living community may be an attractive option, but choosing—and paying for—the right facility can seem overwhelming. The move to assisted living requires careful planning. It’s important to ensure you’re getting [...]
Interview With Gary Zimmerman From
I talked with Gary Zimmerman, founder of, on my show on June 15, 2014. Here's a transcript of our conversation. You can listen to the interview by clicking the audio file at the end of the post. My guest this morning is Gary Zimmerman. Gary was sitting in his office in Japan where he was [...]
Three Tips to Create An Index Fund Portfolio
If you want a “fix it and forget it” portfolio, investing in index mutual funds is a great option. An index fund is a type of mutual fund made with stocks that match the components of a market index, such as the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. Index funds diversify your portfolio because you hold [...]
Seven Tips for Saving Money on Your Utility Bills
If you feel like you spent more on your heating bills this winter, you’re right. In addition to the cold temperatures and massive snowstorms that blanketed much of the country, fuel costs increased significantly. Families who heated their homes with propane paid a whopping 54 percent more this past winter. In addition, natural gas heating [...]