Three Tips for Couples When She Makes More
Today, one in four women in marriages bring in more income than their husbands, which is up from six percent in the 1960s. Whether you are a man or woman, the pressure to bring home the bacon can be overwhelming. As our society shifts, having more women breadwinners can lead to resentment and failed relationships [...]
Four Tips for Young Investors
Investing may seem like it’s just for the super-rich, but you don’t need a million dollars to start. In fact, you can start investing with a measly $1,000. If you have a job that offers a retirement savings plan, you’ve probably already started making some investments. The next step—investing on your own—really isn’t that scary, [...]
How Much Money Should I Have in My Emergency Fund?
This article was written by guest blogger Bahiyah Shabazz. Imagine you’re taking a summer road trip and the check engine light on your dashboard suddenly pops on. You pull over to the nearest auto shop to get a diagnosis, only to find out that your transmission is going out. The mechanic can fix it today, [...]
Spender vs. Saver: How to Compromise on Money Matters with Your Spouse
It’s one of the most common financial conundrums: What do you do when your spouse’s money style is different from yours? If your spouse is the polar opposite of you when it comes to money management, you may have challenges to overcome. According to a working paper, Fatal (Fiscal) Attraction, published by professors at Northwestern [...]
Four Finance Tips for the Middle-Aged; Caring for Parents and Kids
In between Baby Boomers and Generation Xers, another group has emerged, dubbed “the sandwich generation.” These are middle-aged adults between 40 and 59 whose financial and emotional responsibilities are increasing due to aging parents and debt-laden kids. According to a 2013 Pew study, nearly half of adults in the sandwich generation have a parent age [...]