How a 403(b) Differs From a 401(k)
If you’re an employee whose company offers a 403(b) plan, it’s important to understand the difference between it and a 401(k) plan. Generally, nonprofit organizations such as schools and hospitals offer 403(b)s, though they may offer 401(k)s as well. For-profit companies may offer 401(k)s, but they are not allowed to offer 403(b)s. The similarities between [...]
The Insurance Implications of Divorce
No matter the circumstances, divorce can be painful—both emotionally and financially, including issues surrounding various types of insurance policies. As you work through your finances, be sure to consider the insurance implications of divorce. Auto insurance A divorced or separated couple will need to decide who will wind up with any car (or cars), and [...]
Four Ways to Make Extra Cash This Year
Ready to make more money this year? Earning extra cash doesn’t have to be a chore, as long as you’ve got a plan and the right resources. Whether you’re looking to pay off a debt faster, save more for retirement or plan for a nice vacation later in the year, boosting your income could be [...]
3 Reasons I Don’t Invest in Individual Stocks
It’s always good to see first-time investors take a stab at the stock market, especially since it has tripled in value since 2009. But sometimes they are over-eager to go “all in” on one company. A caller on my WSB radio show this week told me she was ready to invest in a company that [...]
5 Apps That Will Really Save You Money in 2015
“Spend less, save more.” It’s the third most popular new year’s resolution behind getting organized and losing weight, according to a Journal of Clinical Psychology study on resolutions. While I can’t help much with resolutions one and two (though it is helpful to apply the same principles to thinning your waistline as thinning your budget), the third one is [...]