3 Tips to Get the Most Out of Black Friday Deals
Black Friday is a great time to find deals on the year’s hottest holiday gifts, but the frenetic pace of the day can cause you to spend more money than you’d planned or veer from your original shopping list. Doing a little research before you go and setting up a game plan can help you [...]
Boom or Bust: Is It Worth Investing in New Technology Companies ?
With the rise of Silicon Valley and the rapid growth of the tech industry, even armchair investors are paying close attention to tech stocks. Last year, the technology sector had a level of deal activity “not seen since the dot com era,” said Rob Fisher, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) U.S. technology deals leader, in a February 2015 [...]
Back-to-School Tax Holidays and More Tax Holidays
When it comes to taxes, every little break helps, which may be why tax holidays are so popular. Each year, a number of states give consumers a break on paying sales tax, for a couple of days or up to a week, on items like clothing, footwear, school supplies, and even computers. In 2015, sixteen [...]
Paying for Home Renovations: Tapping Home Equity vs. Using Savings
Figuring out how to pay for a home renovation is one of the first steps in any remodeling process. When they’re done wrestling with the cost of a home renovation, most homeowners have to decide how to fund a remodeling project. And in some cases, the options can be paying for it in cash or [...]
Retirement Savings or Emergency Fund? How to Prioritize When Saving Money
As you work to build your retirement savings account, you might wonder whether you should fund other accounts as well. After all, if your end goal is to retire on a tropical island, shouldn’t you put every dime you can into your retirement savings? While saving for retirement is important—it’s one of my “big three” [...]