Holiday Spending Sends Financial Stress Soaring
Even though you haven’t set the Thanksgiving table, some consumers are already stressing about how much money they’ll spend this holiday season. According to a new survey from Experian, holiday spending is expected to go through the roof – along with consumers’ financial stress levels. The survey found that most stress comes from unexpected expenses consumers [...]
4 Ways To Benefit From an Empty Nest
This month, I’m sending my youngest son, Michael, off to college. (For those of you playing along at home, you may remember I have two sons, but my oldest is now a junior in college.) Sam and I are going to have an empty nest. That makes this post very personal. Back to school season is always [...]
How to Have a Financial Discussion With Aging Parents
Family and money—the combination can be tricky, and when it comes to talking about finances with aging parents, years of communication and family culture can often get in the way. That’s why many financial professionals say that using a sensitive, respectful, and tactful tone with adult parents may make financial conversations easier. “It is a [...]
9 Ways to Save $7,000 in 2016
Maybe you wish you could save more money for a rainy day or to spend on a nice vacation, but the thought of giving up free time to work a second job doesn’t sound attractive to you. If so, it might be time to make some minor course corrections with your budget. You may be [...]
Getting Divorced During Retirement: How to Handle the Money
Americans are living longer, and people typically want to spend those extra years enjoying life and being happy. For some, that means divorce after retirement, a situation that brings with it a unique set of financial hurdles. A recent study from Bowling Green University found that the rate of divorce in Americans over age 50 [...]
Should I Pay More Toward My Student Loan Debt or Add to My Retirement Savings?
Saving for retirement during your lifetime is one of the smartest financial investment decisions you can make. In fact, the sooner you start, the further those hard-earned dollars go, thanks to the power of compound interest. However, many young people are more concerned about student loan debt than they are about retirement planning. According to [...]