Unpaid Home Loans: Sibling Wants Her Fair Share
Unpaid Home Loans Reader wants her fair share after siblings failed to repay home loans to mother's estate Q: My mother told me directly that the home loans my sisters and brother received from her would be taken out of their inheritance. My mother passed away 10 years ago. I just found out that my [...]
Estate Planning: Holding Title as Tenants in Common Causes Problems
Estate Planning: Holding Title as Tenants in Common Causes Problems Q: My husband died a couple of months ago. He had a living trust. I did not realize that our condo was titled as tenants in common rather than joint tenants. When he died, I asked a friend for the name of a lawyer to [...]
Estate Plan Mistake
Estate Plan Mistake Q: I'm wondering if my husband made an estate plan mistake. He died without a will. We have one son and when my husband passed, my son and I signed an agreement that said if I sold any of the properties, we’d both need to agree to the sale. When I sold [...]
Pros and Cons of Joint Financial Accounts
Joint Financial Accounts: Pros and Cons Q: Could you explain the pros and cons of having joint financial accounts with a daughter? I also own my home with her as well? My husband has passed away. I have a will and other needed documents. A: We’re sorry for your loss. We understand how having joint [...]
Paid Off House: Will It Affect My Trust?
Paid Off House: Will It Affect My Trust? If your house is in a trust, will paying off the mortgage affect the successor trustee? Q: Well, I just paid off my house and don't know what the next steps might be. I did receive a letter from my mortgage lender congratulating me on paying off [...]
Finding the Will Saved the Day
Finding the will saved the day Sibling never wanted mother's will found so she'd get a bigger inheritance Q: My mother's original will was kept in her attorney's office. At some time after she signed it, her estate attorney died. My sister hoped our mother died without a will so that she would get half [...]