How Much Money Do Americans Spend on Takeout and Lattes?
Americans spend a lot of money on takeout and lattes but just how much are they spending and what does that mean for their savings and retirement readiness? How much money do Americans spend on takeout and lattes? Americans spend an average of $2,944 each year on financial vices like takeout, drinks and lottery tickets, [...]
Is the American Dream Out of Reach?
Is the American Dream Out of Reach? Some Americans think financial stability and homeownership are out of reach. But a good strategy can help them get out of debt, buy a home and prepare for retirement to achieve the American Dream. Hard to buy a first home More than 80 percent of Americans agree that [...]
Your Love Life Might Be Hurting Your Wallet. Here’s Why:
Your love life might be hurting your wallet. Recent research found that if financial literacy levels are unequal between you and your partner, that disparity will only grow as you age, causing irreparable damage to your personal finances. Recent research from the University of Texas at Austin found that two people involved in a relationship [...]
Could Increasingly High Drug Prices Kill You?
A recent article from Managed Care magazine shows that many Americans are struggling to keep up with the high price of prescription drugs. Deciding whether you can afford to buy something you want, like a new dress or phone upgrade, can seem like a tough decision, especially if it is just out of your financial [...]
Should You Have a Transfer on Death Deed, a Living Trust or Both?
Should you have a transfer on death deed, a living trust or both? For this reader, it may be best to pursue all options available to them. Q: My father signed a quit claim deed in 2008 for my mother to be sole owner of their mobile home. Now, in 2018, she put him as [...]