Empty Trusts: How to Retitle A Mortgaged Home
Empty Trusts: Estate Planning Mistake #1 Q: I created a revocable trust so that my three kids won’t have to deal with probate when I die as I did with my parents’ home. How do I get my mortgaged home into the trust, or does it need to be? A: We think you’ve made a [...]
Revocable Trust: Get It Right the First Time
Revocable Trust: Get It Right the First Time Q: We had created a revocable trust to hold title to a family home back in 2007. The attorney that created the trust for us has since retired. We need to make some minute, simple changes to the trust. Our son has since married and has two [...]
Why You Buy Title Insurance
Why You Buy Title Insurance Q: A previous owner owes taxes on the home we purchased. We are trying to refinance our home and we were told that there are taxes owing from 2002. We purchased the home in 2004. Are we responsible for paying these real estate taxes? A: It’s hard to believe that [...]
Estate Issues: Transferring Co-owned Assets
Estate Issues: Transferring Co-owned Assets How estates transfer assets like brokerage accounts or houses that are co-owned Q: I just read your article in the newspaper about the parents weighing the pros and cons of sharing assets with their daughter. What do you think about brokerage accounts that are held in joint tenancy with one [...]