Ilyce Glink Show Notes – October 3, 2010 – Dan Solin Visits And Talks About Investing. What are the three index funds you need to be properly invested in the stock market? Should you buy Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)? How can you figure out what kind of risk you’re willing to take? Take Dan’s asset allocation test. Visit Ilyce’s blog for more information and links.
Ilyce Glink Show Notes – October 3, 2010 – Dan Solin Visits
I have a compliment for you: I often listen to your show on Sunday while I am driving home from church and like the way you handle even
the most difficult and discouraging problems that come up form listeners. You don’t deny the seriousness and you are realistic, but
neither are you a gloomy, negative doomsday advisor. You share your knowledge and offer constructive, realistic information and are
respectful of the caller’s question. I also to tuned into a show about the same time on 920AM, titled
something like ” Buttler on Business”. It seemed to be two or three men who fancy themselves experts on business but have nothing to say
about the economy, business, politics or much of anything that is not sour, negative and whiny. They complain about all the problems from
their supposed vantage point of ” all knowing wisdom “, point out everyone’s mistakes in business, but don’t seem to have any solutions
or constructive ideas. I did not hear any callers, maybe they just want to talk.
Thank you for your quality program.
Alice, thanks so much for your nice compliment. I strive to be educational and entertaining, and I’m delighted that you’re enjoying the show.