Ilyce Glink Show – August 22, 2010 – Credit card rules, mortgage rates
Ilyce Glink Show Notes - August 22, 2010 - Credit card rules, mortgage interest rates fall to record lows again, more retirement savers tap 401(k) for loans and hardship withdrawals, 8 more banks fail. This week, new credit card rules go into effect. mortgage interest rates fell again to record lows, bringing a 30-year loan to 4.4 percent (or less) and I was able to get a 15-year loan quoted at 3.75 percent. Fidelity Investment released a new study showing more retirement savers are tapping into their 401(k) either for a loan or hardship withdrawals, a record last matched 10 years ago. And, 8 more banks failed on Friday, including ShoreBank in Chicago. Welcome to our new listeners at 95.5 FM NewsTalk WSB. USE YOUR 50% DISCOUNT CODE for HOW TO PROFIT FROM FORECLOSURES.