Foreclosure Freeze – Ilyce on Good Morning America
Foreclosure Freeze
Three major U.S. banks have gone into a foreclosure freeze after admitting to foreclosure processing problems including the use of robo-signatures. The three banks in foreclosure freeze are Ally, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase. Real estate expert Ilyce Glink was on Good Morning America to discuss the foreclosure freeze and what it means for homeowners. The Good Morning America foreclosure freeze video is included below. UPDATE October 7, 2010: The NewsHour with Jim Leher also picked up the clip and used it in last night's show. It's embedded below. This post was updated on October 13, 2010 to reflect the news that Attorneys General in all 50 states announced a coordinated investigation into foreclosures, robo-signers, and whether a foreclosure freeze should be instituted nationwide.