With airfare cheaper than driving in some cases, everyone is looking to the skies for a truly great vacation deal.

I’ve found some interesting deals at the website, and I’ve signed up for their free newsletter so I’m alerted to special sales and deals around the world.

Last week’s travel bargain featured round-trip tickets to Europe, Africa and the Middle East for less than $500 each.

But in addition to showing me low fares to a particular destination, I like the personal stories and other travel information that are clustered around these destinations. It really helps to know what other travelers think of different vacation destinations.

Expedia does this well by showcasing traveler ratings on different hotels. I recently selected the hotels we’ll stay at in Colorado Springs based on their ratings and the deals we found online.

When you find a great travel website, be sure to bookmark it in your online favorites file or use its RSS feeds button for instant information.

With practical, informative consumer advice, I’m Ilyce Glink, News-Talk 750 WSB