How will TRID affect your mortgage application process?

Will the real estate market bow under the weight of the September jobs report?

Get answers to these questions by listening to this week’s episode of the Ilyce Glink Show. You can click the audio link below to listen to the full show, or download the podcast via iTunes.

This week, I interview Jonathan Smoke, chief economist for, to get his take on the health of the U.S. economy in the wake of the Commerce Department’s disappointing September jobs report. The continued slack in the labor market is a concern for the real estate industry, because it means that average hourly wages won’t be rising much in the immediate future. That’s a major hindrance to home buyers, especially first-time home buyers who are trying to save up for that first down payment. So check out my interview with Jonathan to hear his take on how the employment situation will impact the real estate market.

After that, I’ll answer a question from someone who is looking for the right way to pass part ownership of her home to her daughter. She wants to add her daughter’s name to the home title and deed, but she’s worried about the tax implications – with good reason. There’s more than one way to pass ownership of your property to your descendants, and this particular strategy could potentially be an expensive choice when it comes time to give the government its cut. I’ve got advice for this homeowner that could also help you when it comes time to do your estate planning.

Then stay tuned for my five tips on how to sell a home quickly. These are basic guidelines for every home seller that could end up saving you some stress.

More About This Show

Glinkonomics Report [1:00]
TRID has landed! Here’s what you need to know if you’re a home buyer.

September Jobs and Real Estate [5:41]
Check out Jonathan Smoke’s perspective on the September jobs report. Fourth quarter economic growth could affect interest rates and home prices, so home buyers and sellers will want to hear what Jonathan has to say before making plans to buy or sell a home.

Q&A: Property Transfers and Property Taxes [20:57]
I answer a question is from a parent looking to add her daughter’s name to her house title and deed. Keep in mind that you should always talk to an estate planner or attorney before making major gifts to family members.

Five Tips for Selling Your Home [24:40]
When you’re selling your home, there are a lot of ways you can invest your energy. I’ve got five tips on how to approach the home selling process and sell your home as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about this show or in general, email me at

Thanks for listening!