Ilyce Glink Show on WSB Radio: Giving real estate and personal finance advice.

On this week’s WSB radio show, Ilyce hosted the annual, year-end tax show with the enrolled agents, Merry Brodie and Bill Nemeth. On the show, Ilyce discusses Georgia tax topics such as the Georgia Retirement Exclusion, the income tax cut for married couples, and a few suggestions to increase your tax refund.

Bill and Merry helped listeners learn how they could pay as little taxes as legally possible. Callers posed their specific tax questions to Bill and Merry such as “What do I do if I can’t afford to pay taxes?” “Should I get an LLC or sole proprietorship for my small business?” and “How much can I deduct from my expenses if I move to another state for work?” If you missed this week’s show, you can click the audio link at the bottom to listen to the full show or download the podcast via iTunes.

If you are interest in asking Bill or Merry more tax questions they are more than willing to help. Here’s their contact information, or feel free to email Ilyce at

Phone: 770-616-1638

WSB Radio’s Ilyce Glink Show – November 30, 2014

Click the audio link below to listen to the full Ilyce Glink Show on WSB Radio, or go to iTunes and download the show to your handheld device.

Download podcast via iTunes

Thanks for listening.

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